Author Topic: 8BLL Industries DM  (Read 1136 times)

 This has been sitting in my build folder for some time now so I decided I'd dig it out, fix it up into a DM, and host it.

I didn't really know what to do with this one. I thought of making it into some sort of escape challenge with a story, or even an rpg, but I never got around to finishing them so now it's a DM.

Overview of main chamber

Other areas shown in a darker map where the actual DM will take place

Prints are custom

Not all areas have been shown. It may not look of it, but there are many things to interact with.

As far as feedback goes, any bugs or suggestions on game play would be much appreciated. I can easily make modifications based on what feedback I get.

Ratings are allowed, though I'd like it if you've actually participated first.


i like the map and lighting.
It's very mysterious, and looks like a fitting start for an escape challenge with a story.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 06:07:19 PM by D3ATH LORD »


i like the map and lighting.
It's very mysterious, and looks like a fitting start for an escape challenge with a story.
Now if only my hosting worked.

I love it based on the pictures! I'll join if I see it up.

Now if only my hosting worked.
Learn to port forward tard.

Learn to port forward tard.
I did.
Didn't work.
And YES I followed the entire tutorial, so don't rush to assume that I didn't - but I have a new computer now, might work if I try it again.

Added a few more areas and spawns. Feel free to stop by and make addition suggestions.

As of now, the server is currently up. Title is Factory DM.

Added a few more areas and spawns. Feel free to stop by and make addition suggestions.

As of now, the server is currently up. Title is Factory DM.

The pictures are little bit... bad. what hosting site do you use?

EDIT: Its because if you bind the DOF picture (shift+ctrl+p) to an another it wont somehow work as good.

The pictures are little bit... bad. what hosting site do you use?

EDIT: Its because if you bind the DOF picture (shift+ctrl+p) to an another it wont somehow work as good.
Alright, I'll see about fixing that.

I like it. Feels to me like it has elements inspired from Portal 2, but you've done it in your own way which is good.

I haven't actually posted my opinion on this build yet.
I like it, and think that it looks around the lines of what I've tried to create.