Author Topic: The Official Christian Clan (a place where God is welcome)  (Read 5840 times)

Hey x wanna sponser the brony clan? I would be happy to sponser you!

I'm Christian.
But i'm not joining

I'm Christian.
But i'm not joining

Me either. I already have a clan

XR_7 is banned. Clan is dead.

Probably not going to be popular.......Blockland's motto should be "The World of Atheists"
You make me look bad for believing in a deity.

Not to be rude or anything but just leave. Please.

I'm the brony clan leader! :3
I love how you think you have social status. 95+% of the forums is against your clan, and your attitude and posting are both annoying.

I am a Christian and there is no need for this. Go to church instead to expressing your faith through the forums of a game about legos.

this clan turned out great

I'm joining but I am not putting it in my clan tags.

Wait nevermind the owner of the clan is banned.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 05:41:19 PM by Axolotl »

Those who stand out in the open, on streets praising Christ will not be rewarded -- for they have received their reward. Pray in quiet, lock yourself in your room to pray, and you shall be rewarded.

People slam their atheistic beliefs into me, so I slam my Christian beliefs back toward them.  "America, will you go down in history, as a nation with no room for its King?  Will we be sleeping?" *courtesy of Casting Crowns
"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"(Matthew 5:44)
Not slam your beliefs on you enemies.

Since about 99% of the Blockland community hate God, why shouldn't it be named that, huh?
Jesushaterland? forget no.
What's the point of being called blockland then randomly changing the name but still having the same aspect -_-

lol this community is so atheist I'm surprised badspot's neighbors aren't beating him with bibles.