Author Topic: A Blockhead a Day for 365 Days!  (Read 2004 times)

Inspired by that "photo a day for a year" thing, I'm drawing a Blockhead every day for a year! Click the photo for the Tumblr

Or you could take a photo of a funny blockhead on blockland

Or you could take a photo of a funny blockhead on blockland

maybe both

Could you post them here for better convenience?

Eh, why not. Lemme do a dump.

View for full size.

darn, I thought you were drawing different Blockland members every day for 365 days.

that'd be cool as hell

darn, I thought you were drawing different Blockland members every day for 365 days.

that'd be cool as hell

that would be..

anyone want a drawing? doesn't have to be your current blockland player but it has to be a blockhead

Working on it.

It be done! Will scan when I get the chance.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 03:23:43 AM by Darkness ZXW »

also, fix hands, make shoulders larger and align everything better
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 05:12:52 AM by Supreme Guy »

Here's a generic avatar for you.

I'll have them done soon, Demian's body is ready, just need the face.

I did this in a brief amount of time
yeah, just wanted to do something in that kind of style

yeah but it's really bad
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:24:53 AM by Supreme Guy »

Cool. do you want to help me draw them? It'd take more than a year at this rate. The requests, anyway
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:25:34 AM by Darkness ZXW »