Author Topic: The docter || Eyeraping Idiocy  (Read 19586 times)

Go play ROBLOX or Minecraft. You hate us, why stay?

docter, most of the people's opinions and maybe EVERYONE'S opinion about you isn't changing with these mock-ups of your sad story life or how we make you feel suicidal, hell, its even bannable because of the stupidity putted into it
also i dont want to leave bacause this is the only online forum that im a member of and i want to be a part of it
join the minecrap forums, were "jerks" or like you said "bullies" get banned under 10 seconds

also i dont want to leave bacause this is the only online forum that im a member of and i want to be a part of it
*jesus facepalm*

"No I think I'll stay"

But really just say you'll leave, you don't have to but just say it.

Copy and paste this into your next post
"i am leaving the forums good bye"
Do it and we'll leave you alone.

also i dont want to leave bacause this is the only online forum that im a member of and i want to be a part of it

Go play ROBLOX or Minecraft. You hate us, why stay?


also i dont want to leave bacause this is the only online forum that im a member of and i want to be a part of it
You know we would stop all this is you made a topic saying Im leaving! Goodbye!

You know we would stop all this is you made a topic saying Im leaving! Goodbye!


You know we would stop all this is you made a topic saying Im leaving! Goodbye!
I second this notion!

i actually seen his old post, now i had a weird thought: could this be the ORIGNAL docter's younger brother?
just a thought

Why'd he change his avatar to his mothers face?

i made a topic in the off topic section plz no negative posts on there

i made a topic in the off topic section plz no negative posts on there

Not gonna help.

You know we would stop all this is you made a topic saying Im leaving! Goodbye!

i see what your doing

do this, docter, really, everyone has to know this before you get flamed even more............

Why'd he change his avatar to his mothers face?

i made a topic in the off topic section plz no negative posts on there
forget you we do what we want.