Author Topic: Tropical storm debby  (Read 1757 times)

It's been raining since morning.

There were 2 power dips.

And now, the TV sometimes stutters.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 11:53:27 PM by Axolotl »

wait. tropical storm debby?

wait. tropical storm debby?
Yes, tropical storm debby.

oh gog a tornado warning

Is there lightning and thunder?

oh gog powerdips and undervoltage dips and loud mains buzz from the distance

Is there lightning and thunder?
There's probably lightning storms where the substations are.

I love storms.
And Tornado's
Film please?

Where do you live? I got same thing (Florida)

I have an awesome storm story. I was at summer camp in Michigan, and the night before we left one of my friends was leaving early so  i ran out to the assembely area to say goodbye. But he wasn't at the right spot, so I started heading back and I heard thunder off in the distance and the counselor I was with said we should run. Oh was he right it started POURING out of nowhere we ran to the camp store tent and waited there for over 15 minutes and decided we should go we booked it back through the forest lightning flashing and thunder booming when i got back i had never felt more alive. We had built the shelters oursevles out of plastic and logs and 4 pounds of duct tape and lashing rope. so it was getting pretty wet in there after an hour or so of making sure it wouldnt flood they said we could go to bed everyone was talking and worrying and some people even said they don't have storms like that at home. And suddenly a deafaning crack my ears were ringing loudly, and we were all scared stiff.
The next morning we figured out that the shelter 3 over from ours was almost struck by lightning and that the shelters lower on the hills had 2 feet of water in them and had to be evacuated. we all got out safe the next morning and home but to get us to the baggage area they had to make a bridge because our assembely area was a massive lake

sorry for sharing my life story here but a little something to brighten the mood :D 

I have an awesome storm story. I was at summer camp in Michigan, and the night before we left one of my friends was leaving early so  i ran out to the assembely area to say goodbye. But he wasn't at the right spot, so I started heading back and I heard thunder off in the distance and the counselor I was with said we should run. Oh was he right it started POURING out of nowhere we ran to the camp store tent and waited there for over 15 minutes and decided we should go we booked it back through the forest lightning flashing and thunder booming when i got back i had never felt more alive. We had built the shelters oursevles out of plastic and logs and 4 pounds of duct tape and lashing rope. so it was getting pretty wet in there after an hour or so of making sure it wouldnt flood they said we could go to bed everyone was talking and worrying and some people even said they don't have storms like that at home. And suddenly a deafaning crack my ears were ringing loudly, and we were all scared stiff.
The next morning we figured out that the shelter 3 over from ours was almost struck by lightning and that the shelters lower on the hills had 2 feet of water in them and had to be evacuated. we all got out safe the next morning and home but to get us to the baggage area they had to make a bridge because our assembely area was a massive lake

sorry for sharing my life story here but a little something to brighten the mood :D 
I was 6 feet from a tornado.  Top that.

Im close to a raging fire that is a threat to a city of 500,000

an earthquake of mine destroyed over 10,000 jobs.
oh and unemployment is already awful where i live, this made it worse.

how the forget the earthquake did that, i will never know.

It stopped and it's just a peaceful midnight now.