Author Topic: Apples :3 Samantha - Bans me for saying Pewdiepie sounds like PinkiePie  (Read 2371 times)

Are we really banning people because they like a TV show, I think the Blockland community should grow up

Are we really banning people because they like a TV show, I think the Blockland community should grow up
the ingame community is mostly younger kids
trust me, they're growing up as fast as they physically can

am i the only one who has seriously had enough of this stuff?

to whoever bans people for saying anything that has to do with ponies, sounds like something that has to do with ponies or anything else with ponies:

grow the forget up. they're not gonna go away just because you want them to.
a large part of this community really needs to stop acting like a loving baby girl because of a show people like.
i don't like MLP, but i don't care if others like it. it's their choice, not going to ban or hate them for it.
anyone who hates on people just because they watch a show: you are a pathetic piece of stuff and you should not have the permission to interact with other people because your words of pure stupidity will drop everyone's IQ significantly.

i'm perfectly aware that a lot of bronies can be annoying with their "convertion" stuff and all that, and it's basically their fault that 90% of the internet hates on all bronies now. they make the decent bronies out there look extremely bad.

what i'm trying to say here is:

if you don't like mlp and don't like bronies, don't interact with bronies in any way.
if you like mlp and you dislike anyone who doesn't or you want to convert people to bronies, DON'T DO THIS.

if you don't like mlp and keep quiet about it, this is good.
if you like mlp and keep quiet about it, this is good.

I fail to see how my hate for bronies makes me 'stupid' or 'pathetic'. It's not about the show, which I myself find a little amusing. It's not about wanting them to conform to gender stereotypes and norms, or about wanting them to grow up. It's about their community which is seriously on par with the furry community.

I don't know about you, but I personally find it repulsive when a group of older men start to draw research of a little girl's show, even going so far as to draw research involving that universe's children. Not only that, but a good percentage of bronies have shown that they lack any sort of intelligence. Believe me, I'm subscribed to quite a few blogs like bronysay just so I can get a kick out of the idiocy that they spew from their mouths. But above all that what gets me the most is hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of how they preach their love and tolerate message, but are just as hateful as every other person hiding behind anon on the internet. The whole drama with Yamino is great evidence of that - plus their mocking of her because they assumed her to be transgendered.

And don't retort that I can't judge all bronies like that, because I can. They actively, consciously, and willingly subscribe themselves to that word even when it brings such bad connotations with it. Despite all the crap in that horrible fandom they still persist in being proud to call themselves that stupid word. There's very little to be proud of. You've taken a little girl's show and loveualized it to hell and back. Perhaps they should cater to their TRUE DEOMGRAPHCIDG!!!!!!! now, yes?

I fail to see how my hate for bronies makes me 'stupid' or 'pathetic'. It's not about the show, which I myself find a little amusing. It's not about wanting them to conform to gender stereotypes and norms, or about wanting them to grow up. It's about their community which is seriously on par with the furry community.

I don't know about you, but I personally find it repulsive when a group of older men start to draw research of a little girl's show, even going so far as to draw research involving that universe's children. Not only that, but a good percentage of bronies have shown that they lack any sort of intelligence. Believe me, I'm subscribed to quite a few blogs like bronysay just so I can get a kick out of the idiocy that they spew from their mouths. But above all that what gets me the most is hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of how they preach their love and tolerate message, but are just as hateful as every other person hiding behind anon on the internet. The whole drama with Yamino is great evidence of that - plus their mocking of her because they assumed her to be transgendered.

And don't retort that I can't judge all bronies like that, because I can. They actively, consciously, and willingly subscribe themselves to that word even when it brings such bad connotations with it. Despite all the crap in that horrible fandom they still persist in being proud to call themselves that stupid word. There's very little to be proud of. You've taken a little girl's show and loveualized it to hell and back. Perhaps they should cater to their TRUE DEOMGRAPHCIDG!!!!!!! now, yes?

This I agree with. I only watch the show and look at the occasional fan art.
Honestly, I dont consider myself a brony. I consider myself a normal fan who just watches the show.

<Not liking bronies = Okay.
<Banning someone for being a brony (OR not being a brony) = Not okay.

The hypocrisy of how they preach their love and tolerate message, but are just as hateful as every other person hiding behind anon on the internet.

Like... RELIGION?!

Oh my, what did I just say?

Well, no, it's perfectly okay. It's my server, and you don't have a right to be on it. If I don't like you, I probably will get rid of you.

Well, no, it's perfectly okay. It's my server, and you don't have a right to be on it. If I don't like you, I probably will get rid of you.
transmissionlord Extreme returns...


i'm actually talking about the bronies who just watch the show and keep quiet about it which are the good ones that shouldn't be hated, and i strongly agree with you about the whole "grownmendrawingcartoonponyres earch" thing and everything else.

despite the immense hating on the community im a part of
+10 rep