Author Topic: Building skill is horrible  (Read 4333 times)

Hey guys, I've realised how horrible my building skills are, and how unproffesional most of my builds are. So I was hoping to get some type of advice? Just leave a request of something for me to build. I'll give it a shot. See if I can pull it off. And you guys give me critique.

Just Don't spam, and you'll be fine.

Practice makes perfect! Study other designs and build them yourself, change it to suit you. When it's comfortable, designs will start coming to you as you build.

I would post advice but I have lost every ounce of building skill I ever possessed, and I used to be pretty damn good.

Just Don't spam, and you'll be fine.
actually i find that a lot of the time you build better when you aren't worrying about whether the way you're building is spamming or not
that aside, i'm not saying use 1x1x5s all over your build. i'm saying you can and should use big bricks when possible, but don't sacrifice quality for spam.

actually i find that a lot of the time you build better when you aren't worrying about whether the way you're building is spamming or not
that aside, i'm not saying use 1x1x5s all over your build. i'm saying you can and should use big bricks when possible, but don't sacrifice quality for spam.
Even if the build is good spam makes lag either way, and no one likes it.

Even if the build is good spam makes lag either way, and no one likes it.
I'm really not sure you know what you're talking about.
You won't lag from simply bricks unless you've:
-got a really bad computer
-are making a seriously huge build and building with no regards to the brick count
-are emitter, item, explosion, etc spamming with your bricks

you could make a house that's like, 10000 bricks and not lag with a decent computer. it's really not that much to worry about.

perfect example: (just an impressive build that doesn't worry about brickcount i found surfing gallery) click
-uses enough bricks to have detail
-not enough bricks to cause lag
-looks impressive and detailed
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 12:35:51 AM by Placid »

Do not be afraid to experiment with and use many kinds of bricks and colors in your buildings.  By all means, experiment with anything until you find a look that you like.  From your peers, see what they think about your "new and improved" style.

But the first step to becoming a good builder is to have the courage to try something new and ask questions.  Good job.

just keep building an you will eventually get better
also build 3D, instead of a flat wall have windows and patterns that extrude outwards, it look much nicer

Get brick packs if you haven't already, some of them are really good and could help bring more detail and eyecandy into your build.

just keep building an you will eventually get better
also build 3D, instead of a flat wall have windows and patterns that extrude outwards, it look much nicer

« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 04:59:40 AM by Dominator »

The fact that you've noticed your skills could use improving is a huge step.  Most people who are bad at something don't acknowledge they're bad at it, so they don't look for how to improve.

I haven't played in ages but I'd say I'm a reasonable builder, it all just comes down to experimenting and time.
My best builds are ones where I just put random bricks an patterns I had never used from scratch.

Yet I am horrible at terrain, mountains and signs ;-;

The fact that you've noticed your skills could use improving is a huge step.  Most people who are bad at something don't acknowledge they're bad at it, so they don't look for how to improve.

Lol, copvampire.

How bout you show us a picture of how bad you do?

Give it your best. ;)