Author Topic: What's your favorite video game series?  (Read 1267 times)

The Elder Scrolls
Total War series
Saints Row
The first, second, and sixth Call of Duties
Flight Simulator


battlefield up to 2142. i hated all the newer ones comparatively.

Armored Core
Twisted Metal
Phantasy Star

age of empires series

except age of empires online

it loving sucks
>age of empires 3

Kingdom Hearts
oh god, the memories.

The earlier Command and conquer games
Metal Gear Solid

I guess I'd like Mass Effect if I would finally have money to buy the games asfafafafaf

The earlier Command and conquer games
Metal Gear Solid

I guess I'd like Mass Effect if I would finally have money to buy the games asfafafafaf

Are you sure about that?

(But in all seriousness it is a great game series)

The Elder Scrolls
Assassin's Creed

In that order.

Are you sure about that?

(But in all seriousness it is a great game series)

Everybody is just mobbing ME3's ending because it was handicapped and not actually the gameplay.
However I was talking about the first two games anyways.

definitely Halo. the storyline is absolutely amazing, and the storyline of Halo 3: ODST was just simply perfect.

Everybody is just mobbing ME3's ending because it was handicapped and not actually the gameplay.
However I was talking about the first two games anyways.

I know, I loved the first one. I started the second one but the person I borrowed it from took it back.