Author Topic: My dog Died :C  (Read 1794 times) dog has died (2 weeks ago)
She was 13 and a wonderful Dachshund who had cancer....

Here is a Blockland version of her grave and an actual pic of her grave in my Backyard from my iPod


« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 05:14:39 PM by DerpDerp »

pray for her?
isnt she already dead?

Sorry for your loss. Stay strong.

pray for her?
isnt she already dead?
Yea, but isnt it still ok to pray for someone that is no longer here?

did it died?
Get out now. You are not needed here and neither is your negativity.

Otherwise to OP. I am dearly sorry for your loss. I can imagine the pain you have right now after loosing a family member. I too have lost 2 dogs in my lifetime, and it was terrible.

May your wonderful Dachshund Rest in Peace.

But remember, you and your family gave her a wonderful life. I dont know about the family part but you definitely did give her a wonderful life. And that is all that matters.
She did her time, she did her part, she did her fair share. Now it was time for her to let someone else in the world try it out.

Otherwise to OP. I am dearly sorry for your But remember, you and your family gave her a wonderful life. I dont know about the family part but you definitely did give her a wonderful life. And that is all that matters.
She did her time, she did her part, she did her fair share. Now it was time for her to let someone else in the world try it out.

Bless you so much...Oh forgot to tell you guys...I have 1 dog in my family now
He is a Yorkshire Terrier

Bless you so much...Oh forgot to tell you guys...I have 1 dog in my family now
He is a Yorkshire Terrier
Pic c:

Sorry that its small :c