Author Topic: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666  (Read 3184148 times)

Alright Isaac, we get it. You're some big badass who doesn't find anything funny. No need to flaunt that at every post because I don't think anyone really gives a stuff. For future reference, if the title of a thread is "You laugh; you lose" you're not obligated to be some hardass. It's just generally a "funny picture topic" where you're meant to have fun.

nope, didnt make me laugh, try again!

Alright Isaac, we get it. You're some big badass who doesn't find anything funny. No need to flaunt that at every post because I don't think anyone really gives a stuff. For future reference, if the title of a thread is "You laugh; you lose" you're not obligated to be some hardass. It's just generally a "funny picture topic" where you're meant to have fun.

I'm not trying to be a hardass, I'm just trying to have fun. Besides, others have done it in the past in threads like this, without the risk of getting told. Why am I the one getting told just by trying to play along with everyone else?

Plus, I already laughed twice.

made this one myself

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 05:18:04 PM by LOL :D »

Alright Isaac, we get it. You're some big badass who doesn't find anything funny. No need to flaunt that at every post because I don't think anyone really gives a stuff. For future reference, if the title of a thread is "You laugh; you lose" you're not obligated to be some hardass. It's just generally a "funny picture topic" where you're meant to have fun.
Not everyone laughs at every joke.

it does get a little annoying

"your joke was good ;;) but not good enough for an EXPERT like me........"

also has anyone else noticed how every "this will make you laugh" youtube video is riddled with hardasses saying 'DIDN'T EVEN SMILE forgetER'

I feel sad that I can't laugh as easily as I used to. :c

Not everyone laughs at every joke.

The problem is when people feel the need to tell every person that they didn't laugh, it's just unnecessary and they come off as some annoying hardass.