Author Topic: Locked.  (Read 7481 times)

may as well throw it back up kilser

Pics or it didn't happen.
oh for.
-pic removed-

my ex.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 08:11:53 PM by Kilser »

oh for.
-pic removed-

my ex.

i just loving missed it

you do realize that middle school relationships usually last about 2 months, i would advise you to wait until high school for a real relationship

you do realize that middle school relationships usually last about 2 months, i would advise you to wait until high school for a real relationship

I would advise you to wait until late college/stable career for a real relationship, if you even want that sort of thing, anything before that can only and should only be considered temporary.

Not sure if hot
Or just sunglasses

The only people giving you advice to start dating in college are the people who cannot get a relationship themselves lol

The only people giving you advice to start dating in college are the people who cannot get a relationship themselves lol
I'm only saying that in terms of if they are trying to date for marriage, because the very large majority of high school relationships end with high school, or shortly thereafter.

i say still wait for college, that or highschool.
The only people giving you advice to start dating in college are the people who cannot get a relationship themselves lol

I dont see the problem with thinking you're in love at a young age.
Like, A lot of people are bashing him for thinking he's in love but seriously just back off, its not hurting anyone and he can think whatever he wants.

ask her if she'll take an arrow to her pusillanimous individual

her cat guy jeez noobs

Only if she uses a joystick

Ahahaha I laughed a lot more than I should have.

Ahahaha I laughed a lot more than I should have.
I thought it had gone unnoticed. :cookieMonster:

girls cost lotsa time and money

and im poor :c

Get over it.  If she was interested it MIGHT last a few months.  Seriously, 'young love' is bullcrap. 
Forever alone. :c