Author Topic: My Headset will Explode into Static at Random? How to fix this?  (Read 1799 times)

Guys, when I'm watching youtube or doing somethings, sometimes my headset will explode into static and it often scares the stuff out of me. (I don't know what model or whatever my headset is, but it's a Logitech one)
Can you guys give me any tips as to why this is happening or how to stop it?

return the slab
only then shall your curse end

I read "My head will explode into static at random"

return the slab
only then shall your curse end
jetlok pls

My droid 4 has been having a similar problem, but only at high volumes.

My droid 4 has been having a similar problem, but only at high volumes.

Yeah, things seem to be loud when it happens.

It's broken. Get a new one.

It's broken. Get a new one.
Uh, it did it a couple days after, and how did I break it? I didn't use it at loud volumes at all.

Have you never seen an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.

did you reboot the device? the sound card or something could have glitched or a program could be flipping out

is there a virus spamming static? should probably get rid of that

do you have everything connected properly? shake the plugs just in case

is there any obvious bend or exposed area in the wires? never a good sign

is there a microwave running nearby? messes with phones sometimes, why not wireless headphones?

No wires are exposed, I don't think there are any viruses.

Have you never seen an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Must have not.

He'll drown.

did you reset whatever you're using?
is everything plugged in securely?

are your headphones a piece of crap?