Author Topic: Friend Can't Join  (Read 711 times)

This is only a problem for one friend.

Other friends can come on and other people can come on..I port forwarded.

I tried inviting him and stuff and he says he can't join.

He also tried restarting Blockland.   Is there a solution for this? :panda:

It's probably a problem on your friends end, not yours.

It's probably a problem on your friends end, not yours.

What could be his problem?

What could be his problem?

Well for 1. Since v14 you didn't have to port forward

The router needs to support UPnP or whatever its called.

Well for 1. Since v14 you didn't have to port forward
explains why I can host
thanks for saying that

What could be his problem?

The firewall on his computer could be blocking blockland.

I've also had some issues when trying to join via RTB (haven't played for a while though), but has he tried to join via the server browser?