Author Topic: how do i script weapons?  (Read 2487 times)

Please do NOT use 2.63a, if that's what you downloaded, the model will be messed up when you open it in 2.49 for exporting.
No it wont if you do this.
In order to open .blend files saved in Blender 2.63 or newer with older Blender versions you need to save the file again with Legacy Mesh Format. Please note that this gets rid of all ngons in the save. To save with Legacy Mesh Format, go to File > Save As... or press Ctrl + Alt + S and check the Legacy Mesh Format checkbox.

No it wont if you do this.
How did i miss that.
I would've saved so much time.

How did i miss that.
I would've saved so much time.
I wonder that too. I put the huge /!\ NOTICE /!\ sign in the thread for a reason:

I wonder that too. I put the huge /!\ NOTICE /!\ sign in the thread for a reason:
Never really scrolled down much.

If you needed to know how to get notepad, I really don't think you will have much of a chance in learning Torquescript, but if you really are committed to learning, I would suggest you start by changing variables within the default weapons and vehicles. Once you build up a knowledge of what each thing does, you can start to look at creating you own functions. I wouldn't recommend that you start making your own models until you know how code their functions, unless you already have a knowledge of 3D modeling. Although judging from what you have said, I don't think you do.
I disagree if he is devoted he can certainly learn it although it would take longer to learn for you.

people who say blender isn't hard


people who say blender isn't hard

You just have to find the right video tutorials.

ok i got milkshape but when i put a box down it seems to get bigger that the boxes in the videos

get wings 3d:

use blender to prepare it for scripting

people who say blender isn't hard

the only reason blender looks difficult is because of everything you can do with it, it's a pretty damn featureful program with a million and a half uses.

once you get down to it modeling in blender isn't that hard at all, just ignore everything else in the program and you're good.

the wings download link gave me abunch of weather crap

and it didnt even give me wings

i just downloadeed blender and it looks to complicated