Author Topic: 2012/08/09 - Shader Update Released  (Read 171530 times)

I saw someone walking around and it wasn't another player o_o

how the hell is this relevant to the topic in any possible way

how the hell is this relevant to the topic in any possible way
A bot.

Is there any way to take control of the sun's elevation and azimuth in a daycycle?
I've got all the math done for all latitudes of the Earth.

I just need to wait for Badspot to reply to my callbacks idea.

Can we have callbacks for when the sun updates its position?

I was looking to modify its path and it would be much easier to implement with DayCycle.

An update on my sun path mod: the scripting movement of the sun is now done, I can calculate all elevations of the sun for the whole year on all areas of the Earth (except the Equator for now).

Sample of what this mod will offer:
At the north pole, the sun will spin around in a circle, and not be visible at all towards the winter months.
At the arctic circle, there is one day where the sun doesn't rise and one where the sun doesn't set.
At the tropic of cancer, the sun is directly over head at the summer solstice.

I'm waiting for Badspot to make a hook for custom sun positions while day cycles run.

Is it possible to load a gamemode when starting a dedicated server?


  • Administrator
Is it possible to load a gamemode when starting a dedicated server?

Yes.  Blocklandlauncher.exe -dedicated -gamemode freebuild

Yes.  Blocklandlauncher.exe -dedicated -gamemode freebuild
Alright, thanks. You really need to add a list of all arguments somewhere.

Do S & S support OpenGL & GLSL versions 2.0?

._. wow.

everything is....... changed    ( oh well, bye bye bedroom )

I understand that there is a problem where intel processors won't allow you to see shadows.

Will this be fixed in the future?

Alright, thanks. You really need to add a list of all arguments somewhere.

Indeed. Currently there's -help but that shows the normal arguments of the unmodified base script (even titled "Torque Demo arguments"). -mission is even still in the list.