Author Topic: DJ - Trying to comeback smart on RTB, idiot  (Read 2168 times)

So I'm logged into Blockland on RTB and the first thing that happens is I generously say ''Hello''. This idiot, by the alias of DJ, starts commenting really stupid and unprofessional things. By this time, I am trying to explain these easy to work out comebacks and he's still being stupid. He also tried to offend me with a 'mum joke', but he failed miserably. I stated I facepalmed 50 times, which was counted properly. Not even 50 lines of chat, that's how stupid he was.

I can't post pictures, so if anyone had a glimpse of it, could they post 'em?

EDIT: Got a quote that I laughed at.
[13:25:27] DJ: Dis bitch got Gramma.
Yes, I do have a grammy award. Thank you.

Really not worth a drama. There are lots of smartasses on Blockland, DJ just happened to go all smartasses on you.

Btw, it was me who did the mom joke, and replied to your "Hello."

(If you don't know, I'm Bryan Winters)

Btw, it was me who did the mom joke, and replied to your "Hello."

(If you don't know, I'm Bryan Winters)

You did  it after him.

Was that the X3n0 dude?

He was a real forget ass

first thing that happens is I generously say ''Hello''.

How the hell do you say something generously

It's not like you saying hello benefits the RTB community in any way, makes you sound arrogant.

"I graced their mundane lives by presenting to them a greeting, for I am god and they should revel in the fact that I dained to talk to them."

starts commenting really stupid and unprofessional things.
lol it's totally a profession to be stupid and not normal.

anyway this doesn't seem like a big deal, just ignore him and move on.

What in the hell is professional about blockland?
It's a game for god's sake.

please don't change the title

You both sound like stupid motherforgeters to me

what i have learned:
alias means "name"

what i have learned:
alias means "name"
Have a sticker.
Also, sorry about the big ''Generously'' thing, it'd be better just saying kindly.

What in the hell is professional about blockland?
It's a game for god's sake.
You need skill to play. You need to know how to build. You need to know when to stop talking/typing letters and take a damn break. Tell me what's professional now.

You need skill to play. You need to know how to build. You need to know when to stop talking/typing letters and take a damn break. Tell me what's professional now.
still not professional

badspot is the one being professional, having to make the damn game. you can hardly be "professional" on a building game unless you're a good scripter.