Author Topic: Dimitry's Music (2 songs so far)  (Read 691 times)

Recently I've been making more music in my spare time. I have two songs wrote, one recorded. I'll get more up when I can, tell me what you think.. I'm really sorry about the quality. ;c
Song list:
Never Fade
Kind of got me thinking about V20 I guess, you know.
Download Mp3:

It's like a time lapsey song I guess.. reminds me a bit of Sim city. Tell me what you guys think.
Download Mp3:

Please tell me what you guys think, this music means a lot to me.
More coming soon!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 03:37:56 PM by Dimitry »

I love you Dimitry

I'm puttin' dis on mah eye pawd
is dis the timelapsey one you showed me on skype

I love you Dimitry

I'm puttin' dis on mah eye pawd
is dis the timelapsey one you showed me on skype
No, but I'll probably add that one soon.

da faq did you use to make this?

da faq did you use to make this?
A grand piano and a Samsung camcorder.

A grand piano and a Samsung camcorder.
you mean an idaho deluxe potato

you mean an idaho deluxe potato
I don't have all kinds of fancy loving programs, I just write music and hope people like it.

There was a little bit STRONGLY STRONGLY reminiscent of Somebody That I Used To Know, wondering if you've heard that.
Is k, I tend to incorporate other songs a lot.

There was a little bit STRONGLY STRONGLY reminiscent of Somebody That I Used To Know, wondering if you've heard that.
Is k, I tend to incorporate other songs a lot.
Never heard that song in my life, :/

Never heard that song in my life, :/
Huh, Gotye is pretty popular.

New song added, I personally find it better than Never Fade.
Nevermind.. Locking this topic..
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 04:58:16 PM by Dimitry »