Author Topic: Projectile Source Identification  (Read 1976 times)

This just occurred to me. I know that Badspot removed the client's capability to getTransform(); for other players, but aren't projectile paths calculated by the client? If this is the case, is it possible to use projectiles to trace back to the source? This would be incredibly useful for making some sort of a client-sided radar system that lights up the position of any and all players whenever they give away their position by shooting.

Projectiles are not available for the client to manipulate, and it's not possible to know how far it has travelled anyway so that wouldn't work.

I wouldn't need to manipulate them. Just know where they are. I just need the getTransform(); of projectiles, not the setTransform(); And I also wouldn't need to know how far the projectile has traveled if I can know where it is as soon as it is created.

I wouldn't need to manipulate them. Just know where they are. I just need the getTransform(); of projectiles, not the setTransform(); And I also wouldn't need to know how far the projectile has traveled if I can know where it is as soon as it is created.

Though there is a way to get a projectile's position client sided, knowing where it was created would not work without causing lag. Don't ask me how to get the projectile's position please, thanks.

I wouldn't need to manipulate them. Just know where they are. I just need the getTransform(); of projectiles, not the setTransform();
I mean the projectile objects are not in the server connection dump for the clients to use the functions for. Believe me i've checked.

Ok.... How would I go about making a server sided add-on that registers where all projectiles are created? .-. and say outputs a chat message with the coordinates?

I mean the projectile objects are not in the server connection dump for the clients to use the functions for. Believe me i've checked.
Yes they are.

The odd thing with projectiles is when you dump the info on them into the console it has initialposition or something similar where it says where it originated, yet when you try to access that variable directly you can't :u
So if you made a console reader or something you could find the origin of the projectile

The odd thing with projectiles is when you dump the info on them into the console it has initialposition or something similar where it says where it originated, yet when you try to access that variable directly you can't :u
Yes you can
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 03:13:37 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

The odd thing with projectiles is when you dump the info on them into the console it has initialposition or something similar where it says where it originated, yet when you try to access that variable directly you can't :u
So if you made a console reader or something you could find the origin of the projectile

Whats the command to dump info on them?

This is such a weird topic. So let me get this strait. The answer to my question is yes? If so, how do I define %obj to get the projectile so %obj.dump(); gives me the projectile's data?

This is such a weird topic.
Absolutely right, you're publicly asking for a client-sided exploit, i'd call that weird.

I'm not publicly asking for an exploit -.- Coming up with a HUD that indicates the direction someone is when they give away their position isn't exactly exploiting. It's like giving a visual indicator for the sound. Which I normally can't hear cause I play without volume normally.

Coming up with a HUD that indicates the direction someone is when they give away their position isn't exactly exploiting.

It actually is an exploit. If you want this done, it should be done server sided, period.