Author Topic: How did you last die? 4.0  (Read 9494 times)

I fell through the ground somehow while I was in a goliath
bitch i didnt die once on that stuff
I didn't die besides that
I was trying to see how far I needed to be from the explosion for it to not kill me
and it did kill me like three times
and for some reason being inside one of the bunkers doesn't protect you :c
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 01:15:35 PM by Night Fox »

Diggle Hell in Dungeons of Dredmor

Enemy machinegunner taking cover behind a house around the coastal defenses.

Captain was a condom and locked me in the bridge and turned off the power while proceeding to order the AI to siphon the air.

Slenderman found me :(

*Steal attack chopper*
*Start to fly away*
"Missile launched!"

I loving suck with the cleaver.

Killed by a robot in Team Fortress Arcade :I

Got into a battle between a Dragon, a giant, and some wolves
Gets of horse so I can shoot some wolves chasing me.
Horse runs away
to busy complaining about the horse running away to notice the giant coming towards me

Player was eviscerated by a Fiend. ;-;

killed by a blood bomb mom's heart threw at my face

binding of isaac

swarms of corvettes overwhelmed my mobile capital uvu