Author Topic: Halftone Animated Avatar  (Read 1410 times)

I'm going to attempt a halftone animated avatar. Don't try and stop me. Going to post how I'm doing.

Well enough. How does it look?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 05:23:53 AM by LoLBert »

No! Please stop before its too late!

Ok, I finished the first GIF.. 7 frames, so the next one has to be 7 frames too..

...Can you explain to the more un-knowing and dull characters in this forum

Not me of course


Other people who don't know what you are talking about

Ah, you'll see. I think I'm almost done.

Here's the second animation

OH HEY it works!
I'll fix that.

Here it is on white background:

(btw, sorry for triple post)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 05:20:18 AM by LoLBert »

Ah, I see what I did wrong.
No wait. I think the program I used to make it a GIF screwed it up.

Yeah... I'm not sure how to fix this.

Anyone know a program that can make GIFs?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2012, 05:20:45 AM by LoLBert »

Those look pretty awesome, I might use one if you don't mind. Can I use your first one?

This was tedious, so sorry no.  :I
Going to be my avatar, was just seeing if it could be done, but

HEY I got it working a bit.

This was tedious

how? You fill the black with the blue, and the white with a blue/white checkerboard.

you can do that in in like, 10 seconds

First I had to draw up two animations that were the same length. Then I had to cut out each frame individually and apply the halftone, merge everything for all slides. Had to come up with a way to loop them well enough ran into problems merging them into a GIF, doing all of this at 2:00am.

That's all tedious; and I'm not complaining.  If it wasn't so, I'd like to see other people make some. These seem really cool.

What did you use for making the gif?

Easytoon. Then Photoshop Elements to apply the halftone.

Can someone PLEASE explain noob-friendly how this works