Author Topic: I have trouble joining the server Pacnet2012 hosts for me.  (Read 982 times)


I got a server from Pacnet2012 recently. The port is 50300 and he doesn't port forward, he uses UPnP. Now my router doesn't support UPnP, keep that in mind. For some reason, I can't join the server when I start Blockland.

HOWEVER, I get ping and I can connect like 15 minutes after. Still this is extremely annoying. Please help! And don't give me jackstuff about "Oh, Pacnet's hosting service sucks ass!"

seems like a problem on his end...
can other's join?

make that higher

but not too higher, because it could leve your server open to people lagging it....

Noedit: wrong topic. I'm an idiot.

Problem on his end.

10 Torque ping packets sent, 0 received.

Problem on his end.

10 Torque ping packets sent, 0 received.
Problem is his friends can join...

Why does he not port forward?

Why does he not port forward?
He uses UPnP. But lucky me, my router does not support that.

Tell him to get his act together and port forward. I hope you aren't paying that kid.

Tell him to get his act together and port forward. I hope you aren't paying that kid.
Free and sub-standard :cookieMonster:

tell him to port forward

UPnP is something that doesn't work when your router doesn't support it.

tell him to port forward

UPnP is something that doesn't work when your router doesn't support it.
My router supports it and always has. I can join and so can my friends. Not really my fault.

Going to switch your port.
Oops, triple post

Going to switch your port.
Oops, triple post
Aw shoot, now I have to remap my network settings. :\