Author Topic: Mutalid Containment Center 34  (Read 26947 times)

There's also a system of several turrets wired up to shoot any Mutalids coming into the AI's core room to prevent wire eating.
It's lethal.

There's also a system of several turrets wired up to shoot any Mutalids coming into the AI's core room to prevent wire eating.
It's lethal.

There's also a system of several turrets wired up to shoot any Mutalids coming into the AI's core room to prevent wire eating.
It's lethal.
* ghost_man brings out robot arm to give a thumbs up

*goes INSANE
*eats anything electronicle
also this includes robotic arms
i'm also avoiding the AI's room
*eats syringe gun
*eats microwave
*Eats reinforce'd steel supply
*eats food supply
*and the fridge
*Eats joffrey's broom
*sensor goes off
*eats sensor

* Gojira shoots breadfish and puts him into an unbreakable hermetically sealed bubble

Wait up! I want to eat everything too!

*goes INSANE
*eats anything electronicle
also this includes robotic arms
i'm also avoiding the AI's room
*eats syringe gun
*eats microwave
*Eats reinforce'd steel supply
*eats food supply
*and the fridge
*Eats joffrey's broom
*sensor goes off
*eats sensor

Wait a minute!
* Freek has a flashback
Quote from:  August 5, 2012
* Freek breaks into lab
Freek: Guess who got McDonalds!
* Freek 's flashback ends
Must search for McDonalds bag! Had half-eaten fries in it!

Wait a minute!
* Freek has a flashback
* Freek 's flashback ends
Must search for McDonalds bag! Had half-eaten fries in it!
Oh, let me get that for you.
* ghost_man brings out mcdonalds bag from lost and found closet

Oh, let me get that for you.
* ghost_man brings out mcdonalds bag from lost and found closet
* Freek eats fries and plays with Happy Meal toy

* Freek eats fries and plays with Happy Meal toy
I'm glad to see mutalids happy.

Breadfish is now under 24/7/365/10/10000/∞ surveillance. Under no circumstances is he to leave that bubble. Should he leave that bubble, 20 automatic machinegun turrets, as well as 5 missile turrets, and two experimental laser turrets shall be deployed and will open fire upon him. The room is to be guarded by several guard robots as well. Should he still manage to breach containment, we will be forced to evacuate and flood the entire facility with napalm.

Breadfish is now under 24/7/365/10/10000/∞ surveillance. Under no circumstances is he to leave that bubble. Should he leave that bubble, 20 automatic machinegun turrets, as well as 5 missile turrets, and two experimental laser turrets shall be deployed and will open fire upon him. The room is to be guarded by several guard robots as well. Should he still manage to breach containment, we will be forced to evacuate and flood the entire facility with napalm.
and then Freek gets a piggy back ride out of the evacuated building!