Author Topic: so i just chugged a 1L bottle of water  (Read 1014 times)

Become the human maraca.

Fun fact: People have a special interest for this.

Oh my god lol
I could have been like "yeah bitches I'm bloated from drinking water! bring me your bodies"

Oh my god lol
I could have been like "yeah bitches I'm bloated from drinking water! bring me your bodies"

this only happens to me when i drink water.

one time I drank milk then orange juice later and threw up like a loving bitch

cause real men drink orange juice obviously.

one time I drank milk then orange juice later and threw up like a loving bitch

cause real men drink orange juice obviously.

orange you glad i didn't say milk

HAHAHA shut up

Stab yourself in the stomach so water comes out and run around pretending to be the second coming of Jesus.

orange you glad i didn't say milk

HAHAHA shut up
why don't you say milk
I can only get one joke here but why not say the word milk
am I missing something

why don't you say milk
I can only get one joke here but why not say the word milk
am I missing something


you had a bad experience with milk


i told you to shut up :C

but that doesn't make any sense
shut up :C