Author Topic: so now that v21 removes interiors and terrains, what happends to adventure mode?  (Read 3326 times)

I've unlocked it but never got past level 3.

loving spears

duck stand duck jump duck stand duck jump jump

repeat till end

will blockland main adventure mode have all its terrain replaced with bricks?

will badspot release a new DLC!?

will kompressor finally add the kompession pack!?

semi serious note where will all the BMAM jokes go when v21 removes everything that isnt flat or bricks?

All this and STILL not a datablock update to use em all! :D

Silly large packs... I'm looking at you, inverted Terrain Bricks and your 100+ datablocks :S

How in the world do you get past Chapter 2: Part 6? You know the one with that giant silver building with the air vents?

I keep getting stuck at the entrance

Stop beating a dead horse you idiots. Its not funny anymore.

Stop beating a dead horse you idiots. Its not funny anymore.
Your face isn't funny either, but it doesn't stop people laughing :cookieMonster:

Isn't V21 Adventure Mode Gamemode still being made? ;P

I disapprove of this thread


isn't that like
my quote
from some time ago

Am I the only one who noticed the asshat who bumped an almost TWO MONTH OLD TOPIC.

isn't that like
my quote
from some time ago
yes it was. it was in some renderman topic and i lol'd when i saw your post.