Author Topic: Model textures going black on MS3D  (Read 2657 times)

So I'm making a Spear Rifle for a gamemode and addon but I've stumbled on an error.

Need help fast.

Select the whole model then do this:

Edit > Refresh Textures

Im not sure if that will work or not

Try model cleaner, Will upload pics later.

Nevermind, I tried model cleaner but it didn't help.

Maybe because I had materials?
Let me try again.

Right click the 3D view and uncheck Draw Backfaces, if the black faces appear transparent, select those faces in the other views and press Ctrl Shift F to reverse the vertex order of the transparent/black faces

I forgot there's no editting in Help, when selecting, make sure you've got Ignore Backfaces unchecked and By Vertex checked

Right click the 3D view and uncheck Draw Backfaces, if the black faces appear transparent, select those faces in the other views and press Ctrl Shift F to reverse the vertex order of the transparent/black faces
I never even had Draw Backfaces on.

If that is the textured view, or even the shaded view, it's probably just shading. Select everything (or press Ctrl + A), press Ctrl + Shift + W, then press Ctrl + W. That un-welds, then re-welds the vertexs, and pretty much re-generates new shading, if you want to think of it like that.