Author Topic: GL_EXT_texture_array us not supported.  (Read 1110 times)

Help me.

i have this problem too, welcome to the club.

>Intel HD Graphics
this is an issue with the shaders not compiling on intel based video controllers
sorry bro

I have an Nvidia Quadro FX 1300, 397MB (toaster?) memory. The Intel stuff I have is the GPU/CPU.

Oddly, I don't even get this error. It just says 'EXT_texture_array? NO', as well as some other property about scaling.
This makes shadows and shaders not work.



Name Strings



    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'


    Shipping for GeForce 8 Series (November 2006, Release 95)"
I'm pretty sure this is why

Well, in my case. Atleast, for Intel it may be different.