Author Topic: Badspot came on my sister's server! :O  (Read 2684 times)

Check the picture!

because this totally needed its own thread

Badspot has been doing this a lot lately, he also joined Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM and got pwn'd.

Badspot has been doing this a lot lately, he also joined Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM and got pwn'd.

I am so mad that I can't host.

I am also so mad that I haven't finished my gamemode yet.

I'm working on a gamemode somewhere between Salvage and Honormining. (builds salvaged for carried variables that can be exchanged for cash). Called Bellkel.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 04:50:21 PM by YourBuddyBill »

Badspot was in my server yesterday. I went from like 15 players to 32 players in 10 mins lol.

Badspot came on my sister

I would have gotten really scared. Like the police just showed up at my house party just because they wanted to party.

Badspot came on my sister

Haha, oh man. How did I not notice this?

maybe hes going around stealing builds

Yeah, I have seen him like 4 times already, since yesterday