Square Soliders (Working title)
By Counter98
-About-Remember the old
Army Men Mod by DarkStar? I loved using it back in the day and it was sad it was cancelled because it created too much lag in-game or something so the player could only use one class. I had recently begun to start modelling a simple square figure in Wings3D and thought it would be pretty cool if i made him look like a solider of some sort. At around 2-3am I finished him and thought about making more characters into a mod and so for the past month or so I have been thinking of ideas and classes for this mod, so far only 3 have been made due to it being summer and I was doing other stuff, haven't had time, and feeling sick.
-Can I help?-I'm at the point near rigging and may attempt it myself but if you can rig or script I would love that very much. Give me some time before I can PM the model's though i still have some kinks and such to work out (mostly extruding arms and legs)
If you can't script or rig you can certainly help by suggesting weapons or ideas for this mod, submit other ideas if you would like, or even fanart.
-Classes-Every class is going to have a different appearance from each other, different abilities, weaknesses and advantages to each other, and have their own role in whatever they are doing. Im sort of basing these off of Killing Floor's class system.
Commando"GO GO GO!"
Flanks and Attacks and does all the dirty work.
Ability: Switch gun modes from Full Auto, Burst, Semi Auto
Demolitions"Badda Boom"
Takes out groups, vehicles, turret and mg placements, and also a sniper's worst enemy.
Ability: Satchel Charges for breaching or explosive traps.
FireBug"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"
Burns enemies and sends them running for water, effective when close or against groups, also good for sneaking up on players. When shot in the back enough the tanks explode igniting enemies and friendlies in a firey explosion.
Ability: Ignites foes and chips away enemy health.
SharpShooter"I've got a bullet with your name on it"
A lone wolf type player who takes enemies out from affar. Not too powerful up close but deadly at long range and a head shot can instantly kill anyone.
Ability: Spotting players and showing then to his friends. The bane of the sneaky players existence.
A maniac who doesn't use guns, and melee weapons instead. Runs fast and can easily get behind enemy lines and avoid bullets. He isn't that tough to kill however.
Ability: Charge up Berserk meter to charge at enemies doubling speed and damage.
A big guy with a big gun, soaks up bullets and fires a big lmg that fires dam fast, it isn't as powerful as the HMG however but it's still good for keeping enemies away when you don't have equipment setup. His suit also gives him damage resistance but makes him move slower.
Ability: Supplies ammunition to his teammates.
Combat Medic (WIP)"You'll thank me later you ungrateful richardheads!"
The unappreciated team player. He runs around to his teammates to patch them up when they are low on health, making him a key part in advancing or staying alive. he isn't meant to assault a group of enemies since he just has a snub nose revolver as his backup weapon.
Ability: Heals his team with med packs.
Engineer"I'd like to see you try to get past THIS"
Builds automated turrets and creates HMG posts for his teammates to use, making him another key defensive player. He carries his rusty, trusty shotgun with him in case any enemies try to attack him, it isn't great at range but if someone is close it can be deadly... just like the things he creates.
Ability: Builds Barricades for defense, HMG posts for mowing down enemies, Sentry Turrets for keeping pesky players out of important areas.
-What do you need ideas for?-Any other gameplay elements
A snubnose, revolver or a magnum type weapon for the Medic
A LMG for Support
A new Sniper rifle for SharpShooter
A Melee weapon for Berserker (Think of something a physco would use)
I will probably use the weapons suggested and make a modified version or feel free to post more so I can try to mix the styles together. For looks go for Vietnam War Era, thats the theme of the mod but weapons an be from any other era, just not too much modern stuff a little is ok.-Buildables-HMGA heavy mounted gun that can only be placed in one spot and cannot be moved, its very powerful and accurate but has a slow fire rate.
TurretAttacks enemy teams on sight, its doesn;t move but has limited range and acts on it's own, it also fire faster than the HMG but is a tad weaker.
Barricade (WIP)A wall or sandbags used for cover or defence, these are very good if you want to keep a turret or key position covered from enemy fire, they can be worn down or taken out by a rocket quickly, and cannot be repaired however.
-These look like they should be in their own game-Yeah I know and I may use them for something after Highschool or College, but BL is very easy to mod for me.
-Key Features-Everything summed up in a nutshell.
-Multiple classes that vary in apperance and role
-Focused teamwork with playertypes
-Custom GUI (Maybe)
-All classes have certain abilities
-Constructables to aid in combat
-Custom vehicles (Maybe)
-Simple appearance reducing lag
Tell me what you guys think and leave constructive criticism below, nothing mean please.