Author Topic: Taboo's Generic Weaponpack (gud nite sweet princ)  (Read 5277 times)

Taboo's Generic Weaponpack
A cute 'lil pack of T+T skins by yours truly.

  • Full support for all the default ammotypes; No cluttering your item list with 50 billion more bullets!
  • Simple and easy names; Ass rifle!
  • forgetin' iron sights bro! (I will probably poop out an alternative version for people who don't want them)
  • Tasty tasty sounds so every shot is like an climax!
  • NO RAYCASTS at all; Nothing but legit bullets! Better start learning to lead, kiddies!
  • Unlike all those other CAWWA BOOTY: MAWDRN WERFER weapon packs, we're going for looks and feel over realism!
  • Also unlike those packs, you don't need to wait who-knows-how-many months for release; I already have pretty much all the models done, and since they're just skins, scripting takes an hour! This'll be ready for you guys within the week!
  • Free bacon!

Ass Rifle
  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 100% Completed
Your trusty and generic assault rifle!

  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
A small change to the default Gun in terms of- Everything!

Sniper Rifle
  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
Your obligatory long-range rifle; Critical hits on a headshot for a sure-kill!

  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
Too close for your rifle but too far for your Soul Saber? Show the guy the meaning of CQC!

Light Machine Gun
  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
Needing more dakka? Sit your ass down and enjoy mowing down your enemies with the big CLANKITY CLACK of an LMG!

  • Model: 90% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
Pew pew pew! An alternative side-arm to the pistol and shotgun for medium range encounters when you're on the run; Just pull the trigger and pray the other team's got a priest with them!

Grenade Lawnchair
  • Model: 90% Completed
  • Script: 0% Completed
GURRNADE! Lob grenades right into the center of the enemy army with a six-loading grenade launcher!

Soul Saber
  • Model: 100% Completed
  • Script: 30% Completed
Time to go melee? Channel your inner Zero and cut the enemy to pieces with a revolutionary melee weapon, featuring timed combos and special effects!

Got a suggestion? Throw it to me! I'll also post here whenever I get around to hosting a testing server, but don't get too excited, that won't be till I think I've got enough weapons done! That's all folks~

« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 07:00:55 PM by RagnaTheBroedge »

I give this an 8/10
But the ass rifle needs a better model!

don't just say "ok" "could be better"
give me actual suggestions poopfaces :Y

I think they should be more consistent in their blocky-ness. Ass rifle could use some work on that :/

I like the handgun a ton. The ass rifle doesn't seem to great. Too much detail, it doesn't seem to fit with the theme of the rest of the weapons.

Yeah I like the hand-gun, shotgun, and LMG. Sniper barrel could be a lot shorter, and the grenade launcher looks weird.

the LMG and sniper rifle are going to have to undergo a lot of shortening
the AR was a lot longer before but i adjusted that
regarding the LOD on the AR, i will see if i can simplify things without sacrificing too much of the aesthetics
what in particular seem off about the GL?

machine grenade launcher

make it happen

I give this an 8/10
But the ass rifle needs a better model!

The assault rifle needs a smaller ish model IMO.

Also I expect a rocket tabbo. If there's no rocket I will slap you with a red ruler.

You forgot the REVOLVER.