Author Topic: Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Grande Tourny upon the Worlde of Blocks! [NOPE]  (Read 1573 times)


Thise hither be the speake of olde, not thine unspelled newe speake.

Thise hither be the speake of olde, not thine unspelled newe speake.
dust we have to bring apparel to match thine accent?

dust we have to bring apparel to match thine accent?

Nay, for armoure of the knights wille not save thee from newe handcannons.

Competition has been moved to the weekend.
Reasons: Too many conflicts, Jirue doesn't know how to load recent saves, got delayed.

Dang.  I was pumped for tomorrow.  What is the new day/time ?

Edit:  shoot..  Hopefully it isn't in the morning.. I'm doing my Eagle scout project that morning.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 01:02:40 AM by SirLancelot7 »

Dang.  I was pumped for tomorrow.  What is the new day/time ?

Edit:  shoot..  Hopefully it isn't in the morning.. I'm doing my Eagle scout project that morning.
Probably in the afternoon on the weekend.

There are only about 8 people signed up for this, so I guess the tournament itself is cancelled, but I can set something up so you can enter the arena whenever you want and fight people inside.


There are only about 8 people signed up for this, so I guess the tournament itself is cancelled, but I can set something up so you can enter the arena whenever you want and fight people inside.

I learned long ago that scheduling in Blockland never works out. Having an entry prize was a great idea though

There are only about 8 people signed up for this, so I guess the tournament itself is cancelled, but I can set something up so you can enter the arena whenever you want and fight people inside.


:(  I was really looking forward to this..

I believe I already messaged you about this a while ago amirite?

I believe I already messaged you about this a while ago amirite?

There are only about 8 people signed up for this, so I guess the tournament itself is cancelled, but I can set something up so you can enter the arena whenever you want and fight people inside.

Dude, what
Come on, let the tourney happen anyway!
Just lessen the prizes a bit.

Dude, what
Come on, let the tourney happen anyway!
Just lessen the prizes a bit.

I agree.

Ooh yay
* PurpleMetro jumps up in the air and clicks his heels
I want to fight :D