Author Topic: I need the Misson editor starter!!!  (Read 1131 times)

VH made a starter for the misson editor, but the download link seems to be broken. soooo.....if anyone would happen to have it, or perhaps VH himself, I'd like to have a new download link, or atleast info about how I can do it myself. So please help me, I've been looking all around different servers for someone who has this to get it form, and sence about no one is on rihgt now, I'm looking to the forums for possable help.

To start the editor, I'm guessing you have downloaded it, make a text file, type in it, "start Blockland.exe -mod editor", save it as a .bat file, and put it in your Blockland folder. Start the .bat when you want to run Blockland with the Mission Editor.


  • Administrator
Download the mission editor and extract it to you Blockland folder using winRar.  Then just add "-mod editor" (without the quotes) to the end of the target field in your Blockland shortcut and run it.  Start a mission, then press F11.  If you can't figure out how to do that, then you'll never figure out the editor.

Does it matter if I use alphazip instead of winrar?

did all that and F11 had no effect,ie i press F11 and nothing happins,had no problem when i hit F11 in rtb.

I did what badspot said to do it works thanks badspot :D