Author Topic: Blockland's Kindest players?  (Read 7796 times)

I don't know Baranabas, but Lugnut's a jerk on the forums fairly often, and in-game, Magick Mage is oft quite rude. He called me a milf.

I'd say...the nicest is probably some guy who's not famous for anything and few people know who he is.

Sylvanor is really nice.

I can be nice when I want to be, which isn't very often at all.

He called me a milf.
oh god your ignorance is so adorabllllllllle
unless you know what it means and for some reason think being a milf is bad
in that case

I didn't know what it meant at the time, and now I'm questioning that I do currently. And he said other things, I just htought that was a typo for milk, until the host told me otherwise, but not to look it up, so it's all I really remember.

Actually, I'm surprised nobody said GSF Ghost yet.
I was thinking of him. I had some nice conversations with him via youtube lol
But he's not around much, which is why I didn't include him

i'm not going to post a "joke .. your head" picture because i'd be banned for spamming if i did every time you were too stupid to get a joke

Im suprised no ones listed me yet.

Anyway the nicest are Barnabas, as long as youre not on his bad side, as well as ATKitton and Mega-Bear
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 05:15:32 PM by Pixel »

Furling and GSF Ghost.

And Sylvanor. And Barnabas. And almost everyone else I know :)

i'm not going to post a "joke .. your head" picture because i'd be banned for spamming if i did every time you were too stupid to get a joke
you might as well post it considering that post was just spam to tell me i'm stupid and tell me you would have posted the "joke.. your head" pictures.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 05:25:08 PM by wound »

i'm not going to post a "joke .. your head" picture because i'd be banned for spamming if i did every time you were too stupid to get a joke
sorry bolster, but looking at your posts in this topic alone, you don't seem like that nice a guy.
Not to say you aren't, but just from what I've seen, you don't seem like it.

What? *Magic* Mage a nice guy?
Whenever I see the guy, he's being an ass to someone including me.

Bubbler is a nice guy..

Wesley Williams is nice, (AKA ostinyo)