Author Topic: learning a language in 10 days - is this legit?  (Read 517 times)

yeah blah blah i'm late i know

so I just watched this video and what's said in it makes perfect sense about how you should be around those who speak the language you want to know to learn it, however i'm just unsure about this - i'd hate to have my parents spend 10 bucks for nothing.

what are your thoughts on this?

if its too good to be true, it is.

The way their program works is they’ll send you a new phase in the mail and you’ll have 30 days to return it or they will automatically debit $64 a month for four months ($256) from your card.  60 days after you receive phase 1, phase 2 will ship to you and so forth until you’ve paid them $1,024 in total not including the original $9.95.  If you don’t pay them, they will send your account to collections.  This is reported widely across various sites, including some comments.  Some people aren’t even aware that they owed anyone money until a collection agency called them.

If you could learn a language in just 10 days, we wouldn't need any translators. Fake.

lol you cant learn a language in 10 days.
that would require a sick memory skill.

and even then memorizing words is only half of what it takes to speak another language.

This is crap. I looked into it earlier because I forgot half my french over summer.

Cause ads on the internet are all true!

thanks guys, all i needed to know.