Author Topic: Saves Crashing Blockland  (Read 6432 times)

the game where you build stuff
Building is what i play for
now someone please tell me what is causing this :C

the game where you build stuff
Building is what i play for
now someone please tell me what is causing this :C
what Im saying is to play on others' servers for now until this is resolved. Did you try to copy all your Blockland files, and re download Bockland, then replace the files in the new Blockland with the original?

IDK, Im no expert.

and here i was thinking posting the console would somehow cause progress to be made.

Try running with only default add-ons, if that don't work, try and reinstall the game.

Try running a trace, then do whatever you did to make it crash, then upload the console.log somewhere like dropbox.

like 95% of the time nothing goes wrong when i save, but once it does go wrong, the corrupt save overwrites the old one and i lose it all. i dont know what i did to cause it.

Enter Trace(1); into the console, and then try to replicate the problem.
Post the console.log afterwards.

Its kinda hard to replicate the problem when you dont know whats causing it

I've noticed that my saves will crash if: in a save that was previously loaded; if the save that was loaded has a music brick and the music was playing when it was loaded, but you turn off the music and save without deleting the music brick altogether: Blockland will crash, everytime. For me anyway.

O-O i think that could have been what i did.
I'm gonna enter trace into the console everytime before i save so i can catch this bug red handed.
Bump incase anybody has any better ideas

I got it!
It crashed!
But the console is too big to post!

I got it!
It crashed!
But the console is too big to post!
We cant help help you it all without any logs, upload it to mediafire and i'll view it.

I tried to copypaste it
but it said it was over 2000 characters.
Idk how to upload to mediafier.