Author Topic: Deteriorated brick collision very high up?  (Read 1018 times)

That word
Does it even exist

do you speaka da engleesh?

Would be a whole lot more data to send per packet.
Internet speeds are good enough to send double precision numbers these days (it would really only be in position packets and the like anyway). The question is whether Badspot wants to go through and change most of Torque's code to use doubles instead and the answer to that is I assume a big fat juicy "no".
Sounds similar to a problem Minecraft has. There is a margin of error for different calculations which progressively increases over distance. Seems like a problem the game is  having. Not sure if such problems are easily solved - but Badspot should be able to lower the margin of error.
I agree, obviously there's some margin of error that's compounding over distance. Doesn't help that floating point numbers are already imprecise as hell. Give this a try:
Code: [Select]
echo(1 - 0.9 - 0.1);

Doesn't help that floating point numbers are already imprecise as hell. Give this a try:
Code: [Select]
echo(1 - 0.9 - 0.1);
Yeah, I loving hate that torque does that gay stuff. I've resorted to throwing mFloatLength(%value, 5); everywhere that uses floats that could potentially have this happen.

Yeah, I loving hate that torque does that gay stuff. I've resorted to throwing mFloatLength(%value, 5); everywhere that uses floats that could potentially have this happen.
not torque, every single programming language that uses floating precision (read: all of them)

not torque, every single programming language that uses floating precision (read: all of them)
I've never had this problem with Ruby or PHP.
Nope, you're right, I just haven't encountered it before I actually looked for it, and I have a habit of always using doubles in C++.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 04:32:18 AM by TripNick »

So this is why 123 + 0.09 = 123?

So this is why 123 + 0.09 = 123?
or 10,000,000-1 = 10,000,000