Author Topic: Help with Wine! (Mac)  (Read 724 times)

Before you ask, yes, I did install Wine correctly and I'm not that stupid.

I'm trying to execute blockland_v0002.exe with Wine, but it doesn't work.

Any thoughts or stuff?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 09:45:28 PM by ScratchTehEPICSpaceDude »

hav u tried command prompt

wine is usually dumb and it is usually a better idea to just dual boot with a windows OS

aren't you supposed to right click > open with (wine)?

Wine is awful and you should be ashamed to want it.
wine is usually dumb and it is usually a better idea to just dual boot with a windows OS
Pretty bad idea too. Preformence for the Windows goes down the stuffter.

Pretty bad idea too. Preformence for the Windows goes down the stuffter.
don't really know what you're talking about, i've dualbooted windows just fine and everything works fine. the only thing is that it's a little sensitive with a touchpad so it's easier to just use an external mouse.

aren't you supposed to right click > open with (wine)?
Will not show up.

Wine is awful and you should be ashamed to want it.
I don't know if you're speaking about wine in general or just wine for mac, but wine is one of the most well coded, useful programs in existence. Any linux user must have a copy of it installed unless they're so die-hard that they refuse to use anything that doesn't work with linux. It's an incredible thing that you can take a program written specifically for use in one environment and using it in a completely new one with very few issues using only one program.

Anyway, the error message describes it, you need to go to that link and download the fonts for wine to use.

*cough* use wineskin, and actually use winetricks that are needed *cough*

I don't know if you're speaking about wine in general or just wine for mac, but wine is one of the most well coded, useful programs in existence. Any linux user must have a copy of it installed unless they're so die-hard that they refuse to use anything that doesn't work with linux. It's an incredible thing that you can take a program written specifically for use in one environment and using it in a completely new one with very few issues using only one program.

Anyway, the error message describes it, you need to go to that link and download the fonts for wine to use.
When I used it on my old macbook I got countless errors. I was also using it with some applications that had already been half ported, the exe inside the .app was a couple megabytes and needed only to gather all the main files into one app. But wine couldn't quite do it without file errors.
However I've heard it's good for Linux users and I'm only speaking from experience.

Use it.
Oh you're back

All you have to do is drink the damn thing.

However I've heard it's good for Linux users and I'm only speaking from experience.
it is.

its compatible with:
gmod (probably not 13)
all sorts of games casual users would normally play. (tested bejeweled and typing shark, nothing else right now)
i need to test tf2 out.

audiosurf ran like dog stuff, it's playable once you get past the misplaced buttons though.