Author Topic: ~The Blockland Warheads~  (Read 5472 times)

~A clan dedicated to war and fighting techniques~

The Blockland Warheads is a clan dedicated to fighting techniques and war in general, we want to train all troops to become more efficient in the ring of honour and dominate our opponents.
I am Lamebro1, leader of these specially trained armed forces and I promise a long, harsh but effective journey where you will learn many things and destroy many enemies.
May the nukes kill us all.

No flaming, Keep that stuff out.
Losers are forbidden
Be efficient on the battlefield, fight well
Use stealth when needed
Keep Off-Topic drama with other soldiers out of the clan
Strategic layouts are needed before every battle we fight (Use Team Chat)
No spawn killing, It's noobish and gives us a bad name
Ranting about getting killed is the lowest thing a marine would do.

Clan tags are:

Rookie ~ You've just joined.
Private ~ First Rank Up, You must work a small amount to achieve this rank.
Sargent ~ Proved yourself to be quite good upon the battlefield.
Lieutenant ~ A Spec Ops on the battlefield, Congratulations for getting this far.
Ninja ~ A master of sneaking and stealth, a very respectable role.
Delta ~ A fighter with a big role of honour, able to take out many enemy troops at long range and quickly.
Elite ~ Able to Swiftly kill enemies at tremendously high speeds, these men should not be messed with.
Rangers ~ Like elites however specialise in taking the duty of driving aircraft.
Troopers ~ Like rangers however specialise in taking the duty of driving ground infantry.
Destroyer ~ To get to this rank you must have serviced The Blockland Warheads for a long time, resulting many victories. Feel proud.
General ~ Last rank any marine can get to, a great man who should be respected greatly by all blockheads and taken seriously. I personally congratulate you.
General Of War Camp ~ Leader Of All Marines (Me)

One does not simply join The Blockland Warheads, you must personally prove to me that you are ready and deserve to take on a role in our elite organization.
It could be a dogfight, a CTF, a plain TDM, etc.

Our History starts here, with you.

Name            BLID            Rank

Lamebro1       27362          General Of War Camp

Clan Topic created. 9/9/12
Clan Headquarters started.

So what are you waiting for soldier?
Show us your darkside today!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 09:14:06 AM by Lamebro1 »

Help us get our own dedicated server!

Here's what you get if you donate:
5$ ~ Lots of love
10$ ~ lovey additional features on clan servers and early access to blockhead VS bot
15$ (or more) ~ Early access to my projects, early access to blockhead VS bot and even more additional features.

~Sponsored Projects~
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 11:02:58 AM by Lamebro1 »

Looks good
I'm not the fighting type

There is a terrible lack of decent war clans in blockland.
Lets see if I can change that.

These rewards for donating seem bogus.
 "extra features on my server" probably means admin only when you will loose it for doing the smallest thing wrongly.
"access to projects early" seems like a stupid reward for $15 that you can almost buy another blockland account with.
I don't even need to go to "lots of love"

These rewards for donating seem bogus.
 "extra features on my server" probably means admin only when you will loose it for doing the smallest thing wrongly. It isn't admin,I give admin to people I trust
"access to projects early" seems like a stupid reward for $15 that you can almost buy another blockland account with.    Of course there are other things too, such as addons, mods, scripts and servers.
I don't even need to go to "lots of love" I've seen other people do it and you don't have a problem with them.

i'm not going to donate to an eleven year old in a hundred years

but the clan seems cool. might join.

I like how Funk kinda insults te clan leader
Then says he will join his clan

Saying I'm 11 isn't an insult, I seriously AM 11 year old.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 11:25:49 AM by Lamebro1 »

Saying I'm 11 isn't an insult, I seriously AM 11 year olds.
How are you 11 1 year olds?
Is this you:



Progress on clan HQ, I'l post pics later.

Edit: Donate 10$ or more today and get early access to Blockhead VS BOT
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 01:50:37 PM by Lamebro1 »

GBLD officially declares war on the warheads.