Author Topic: Permenantly banned by "Eevee" at gravity cat's server for "cross base camping"  (Read 3623 times)

Sorry for the ban and I agree it was a bit harsh and i appologize for that but Gravity Cat and I have come to an agreement and I will from now on give Warnings before the ban is enforced

>it was good at the time that I was banned
Well, the server is down now and the admin apologized, so you can drop the post.

From my understanding everyone who has been banned today has been infact unbanned due to the Conflict we experienced today so everyone has been given a second chance as to say... but only if they were banned today

Sorry for the ban and I agree it was a bit harsh and i appologize for that but Gravity Cat and I have come to an agreement and I will from now on give Warnings before the ban is enforced

Next time if you want to know if somebody is base camping/spawn killing spy them and watch.

I was physically Fighting alot of the members who were base camping so Spying was not nessasary as I saw them in Combat breaking the rules. If an Admin didnt See it happen then the Ban doesnt Really happen. I dont typically ban unless i see them in the act of breaking a rule in this case that would be Spawn/Base camping

I was physically Fighting alot of the members who were base camping so Spying was not nessasary as I saw them in Combat breaking the rules. If an Admin didnt See it happen then the Ban doesnt Really happen. I dont typically ban unless i see them in the act of breaking a rule in this case that would be Spawn/Base camping
8:37 PM - AnOrdinaryKitten: btw please do not post in that stupid drama :I
Next time if you want to know if somebody is base camping/spawn killing spy them and watch.
Graby dun want u here

I did not infact read the welcome message, or type /rules
Then it's your fault you were banned.

this is like peeing on the floor of the bathroom and then wondering why that person doesnt invite you back to their house

its common sense not to pee on the floor, its common sense not to ruin the game for other players

Well if the administrator was super admin, He could have easily edited the message or have someone else edit it to cover it up.
It's been like that for a long time.

I had joined the server; met with a friend of mine saying something along the lines of "Gravity cat left an idiot admin to administrate the server"
I'm not surprised.

Then it's your fault you were banned.

You're missing the point; there was no indication to what "cross base camping" meant, what the punishment was, how it's broken as a rule or anything.

He wasn't even warned, he was just permanently banned.

Yeah, I was permanently banned from this server for killing people near the spawn. They called it spawnkilling even though the enemies had plenty of time to take out a weapon and shoot.

I define spawnkilling as:  continuously killing enemies as they spawn giving them no chance to defend themselves. I rarely see deliberate spawnkilling actually happen.