Author Topic: Redliub's Sand Castle  (Read 5219 times)

Here's my sand castle (or is that sandstone castle?). This was built on (and is still up at) Mr. Wallet's server. Stats: 7557 bricks. Tower to tower: 112 studs x 112 studs. Rate out of 10.

Exterior - Perspective

Exterior - Front

Exterior - Courtyard

Interior - Throne Room

Interior - Meeting Room

Interior - Bedroom

Interior - Great Hall A

Interior - Great Hall B

Interior - Jail

Interior - Jail - MrWallet

Exterior - Overhead

1 word. Awesome.
I think I just shat myself.

ahh i saw this yesterday Mario is correct 10 outta 10

ehhh not a 10/10 probably a......100000000000000000000/10   that was an AWESOME SAND CASTLE. i likes hte prison cells

Great job man that is really awesome! :cookie:

dats cewl. man, you got some massive building skillz!

wallets server?

nice job dude , 10/10

SWEET it is cool try to make it bigger!

Wow i could never build something like that...u should see my sc in real life lol my castle looks like it has been washed up for it has been

omg that is awsome i wish i had the time to build soething like that....! its awsoem 10/10!


10 out of 10 dude that must of took for ever to make!