Author Topic: [BLW] Blokish Locomotive Works - DEAD.  (Read 6745 times)

Go forget yourself, little bitch.

EDIT: StarHawk Blacklisted.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 06:50:24 AM by Darkmaster20 »


The following message came to me unprovoked, meaning I had no connection with Icosahedron nor did I even know that this clan existed until I was directed to it by the message. Unprovoked? You were the one who banned your own clan members for disclosing information.

I have a few points I'd like to address regarding your little message to me. I figured I'd post my response here on your clan page so it'd be more "direct."

In regards to I blacklisted Ark for three reasons: first and most importantly, he's an obnoxious twat that behaves like a six year old and is incapable of following the simplest of instructions from his superior clan officer; secondly, he has a history of build theft; and thirdly he attempted to ruin Oceanco by posting a save of our uncompleted flagship to the forums (which you even acknowledged in your message to me and which, by the way, completely backfired and ended up with him looking like an idiot). Backfired? How so?

Also, clan rivalry? "Malicious intent"? You're kidding right? What is this, CSI? No, this is a game about building with legos for Christ sake. I had no idea your clan existed up to the point that you decided to try and mark your territory all over my leg. Nice way to start off by the way. I find this statement to be completely rude and uncalled for, let alone the fact that you continue to spit all over our projects, showing your barbarism and wish for BLW's destruction.

In regards to
Stop trying to paint yourself up as some loving vigilante. "Information itself wants to be free." What kind of bullstuff is that? That's you saying "Hey I realized that Ark pulled a five-star forget-up here but I'm going to try and turn that into an argument. Information is inanimate and hold no moral values. It cannot do anything without human interaction. Thus, if one wishes to keep information secret, inevitably there WILL be someone to disclose that information.

And of course I have to respond to Um... prevail in what, exactly? Do you want to fist fight? You want some sort of epic duel stuff where we both take ten steps and then draw? There will be no clan rivalry because firstly clan rivalry is handicapped; we're all here to have a good time build things, not fight, and if you're going to sprint around the community flaunting your massive erections saying "LOOK AT US WE'RE BETTER THAN OCEANCO" after you've only existed for six days then the community is going to smack you down. This statement and what army?

Secondly, there can be no clan rivalry because we're not the same type of clan. You build trains, we build boats. You saying that you are the superior clan is like me saying "I play soccer better than you play basket ball." This is exactly what you are saying and act like the rules don't apply to you because you have a big clan that builds boats.

And thirdly, you've been around for a week and have nothing to show. Oceanco has existed for over a year now and has an entire fleet of ships of superb quality with which to smack you in the face with, never mind a following of many many fans. We've worked hard, built up a reputation and continue to churn out quality builds. You have no place saying your clan is superior to ours when you are freshly born and have yet to show us anything. You fail to acknowledge our accomplishments such as 10020 Santa Fe and 10219 Maersk. A lot of our locos are in the works. See, we take our time with these things instead of trying to rush everything haphazardly.

-idiot snip-

I am not in the mood to fight you. I have no wish to see your destruction; quite the opposite. This statement directly contradicts what you said earlier. I really, truly hope to see you prosper because I love seeing Blocklanders organizing themselves and producing quality work (plus I've always been interested in trains. Built one or two myself, even).  However, if you continue to try and piss on my boot, you will be dealt with. You wave your richard in my face, I cut it off, simple as that. So I will leave you alone as long as you leave us alone. But if you start stuffposting our topics or continue sending us hollow ultimatums in garbage messages we're going to have a problem and we're going to deal with it. I wish not to start this, but we were dragged into this when you expelled and blacklisted one of your own members. Stop expecting to be treated like a flippin' martyr.

Please stop your idiocy,

Go forget yourself, little bitch.

EDIT: StarHawk Blacklisted.

That's cute. Glad to know who's mature in this argument and who's not.

Unprovoked? You were the one who banned your own clan members for disclosing information.

I banned Ark for being a twat, stealing builds, and trying and failing hard-core to ruin Oceanco. I did NOT ban Ark for starting BLW. As previously mentioned I knew nothing of your clan until you decided to try and shove your richard up my ass.

Backfired? How so?

The community beat on him until he was forced to lock the topic.

I find this statement to be completely rude and uncalled for, let alone the fact that you continue to spit all over our projects, showing your barbarism and wish for BLW's destruction.

Please find one instance where I "spat" on one of your projects. Find one quote where I did that. You can't. Because I haven't. Now you're reverting to lying because you already know that you have no truthful points to fight with so you have to make some up.

Information is inanimate and hold no moral values. It cannot do anything without human interaction. Thus, if one wishes to keep information secret, inevitably there WILL be someone to disclose that information.

And that person was dealt with swiftly. Stop being butthurt.

This statement and what army?

This army:

This is exactly what you are saying and act like the rules don't apply to you because you have a big clan that builds boats.

I never said Oceanco is better than your clan. Stop putting words in my mouth.

You fail to acknowledge our accomplishments such as 10020 Santa Fe and 10219 Maersk. A lot of our locos are in the works. See, we take our time with these things instead of trying to rush everything haphazardly.

I have never heard of any of your builds. Obviously if BLW was the great and well-recognized clan that you paint yourself up to be I would have heard of it.

I wish not to start this, but we were dragged into this when you expelled and blacklisted one of your own members. Stop expecting to be treated like a flippin' martyr.

Oh no you blacklisted me from your little clan that I never had any intention of joining in the first place oh nooo what should I doooooo help me guis D: You were dragged into nothing. You started this whole stuffstorm when you unnecessarily sent me hollow ultimatums in garbage private messages.

Also, why did you snip out the part where I talked about you trying to use conflict with Oceanco to get yourself publicity? Whenever you're trying to respond to someone's quote it's always a bad idea to try and hide the part that incriminates you the most because then everyone knows that what the person said is true.

In conclusion, stop being a richard. You're making yourself and your clan look bad every time you open your loving mouths. Everything you've said is either untruthful or pants-on-head handicapped and STILL is you just trying to get publicity by throwing punches at us. I banned Ark from Oceanco, get over it. Grow up, move on, and stop trying to ruin me, or I shall succeed in ruining you. I reiterate again; I don't want any trouble, so stop causing it.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 11:09:37 AM by StarHawk »

Never mind what was once written here; accidentally posted my response twice due to internet failure.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 11:09:56 AM by StarHawk »

you were blacklisted from the clan because you made a valid point?

you were blacklisted from the clan because you made a valid point?

A valid point on something that THEY STARTED. They paint up lies talking about how I started a clan war etc. but anyone with eyes and 1/4th of a brain can figure out from my original post who really started the flaming.

This is the clan you allied with Crepe and this clan is going downhill fast. I suggest you get the forget out before your clan's reputation starts to get associated with theirs. :/

A valid point on something that THEY STARTED. They paint up lies talking about how I started a clan war etc. but anyone with eyes and 1/4th of a brain can figure out from my original post who really started the flaming.

This is the clan you allied with Crepe and this clan is going downhill fast. I suggest you get the forget out before your clan's reputation starts to get associated with theirs. :/
for the godness last time

The Block is not a clan

for the godness last time

The Block is not a clan

Oh perdonme I was not aware. OP made it sound like it was. Nevertheless the clan is making a terrible reputation for itself and, as consequence, you, since you're in it.

Oh perdonme I was not aware. OP made it sound like it was. Nevertheless the clan is making a terrible reputation for itself and, as consequence, you, since you're in it.
i haven't officially apped

Dark just wanted publicity
But he has already got it.... today

based on your actions
I'm seriously considering your role in The Block and what it will mean...



you are a
obnoxious twat that behaves like a six year old

So go forget yourself. Your an idiot. I hate you, and I wish you were dead.