Author Topic: If you could be any famous person who ever lived. who would you be?  (Read 2713 times)


Nikola Tesla
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 11:38:52 PM by LordoftheUnclean »


OT: Teddy Roosevelt

Nikola Tesla*
And I would be Jesus so I could tell people that forcing your religion on others is a big fat loving sin
Edit: forget

OT: Teddy Roosevelt

Ned Kelly because then I could drink horse blood and still be considered a badass.

I'd have to agree with Nikola Tesla.

So is this just a big thing on the internet now or did The Oatmeal popularize Tesla
Just wondering, because that's where I heard about him first

Edit: Obviously I've known what a Tesla Coil was for a loooooong time though.

I'd have to agree with Nikola Tesla.

no love
no inventions recognized
no money
no food
only pigeons with lasers for eyes


or Fender (looool)

or, seriously, that black guy who's like a genius with space or something

Charlie Chaplin.

I would never have married that woman who took away a million dollars from me.