Author Topic: [VIDEO] Terrible tragedy at frozen peak.  (Read 1666 times)

Breaking News

Today at frozen peak an unspeakable act of violence occurred. The known mysterious terrorist anomaly, known by his alias "Tingalz", attacked a group of truckers as they passed through a peaceful town at frozen peak with rocket launchers and other explosives. Why he would decide to attack such a quiet town is unbeknownst to all.

Let us mourn this tragic event.

help pls i lost 3 famly members + compter i am typin this on my Iphone

Dammit tangalz I had my KFC in that truck.

looks like my delivery of uranium won't be here soon

Nevermind the truckers. What about that poor news chopper?

looks like my delivery of uranium won't be here soon
you won't be able to time travel now

Darn, there goes my asian hoes *ahem* shoes...