Author Topic: You Want, You Lose v0  (Read 23377 times)


a gun that allows you to shoot fireworks and has infinite ammo

Only if it looks like the Pyro's flare gun.

I didn't lose

A reaper splitter

loving PLEASE

As long as it has windows and isn't black

A working, sentient clockwork dog.

Tetstar fish ontop of rabies? Nothnx.

Death's Scythe.
-Teleportation(Rip open portals!)
-Insta-kill(It's now your job!)
-Invisibility(Be a ninja! Because people would seriously try to kill you.)
-Raise the dead(Who doesn't want an army?)

yeah would be cool!

mind reading powers

didnt lose

superhuman strength

didnt lose

a shirt that is hand made by jesus

No, almost lost though.

A starship.

Potato chips right now.


All the Powers from the Prototype 2 guy, James Heller.

Homicidal body horror? Nopenopenopenope.

A nice, relaxing shower and some fresh, clean clothes.

Already did yesterday

Real life as a game.

nope, can just do it in real life

the power to morph into anything