Author Topic: Why curing cancer is a bad idea  (Read 20874 times)

You may think that curing cancer can bring nothing but happiness. People near death can be given life and family members can stay happy. Well, I hope this changes your mind.

Before you start calling me a heartless bastard, I have lost a lot of family members to cancer, and my beliefs are unchanged by this.

The world's population is constantly growing. A few years ago we passed 7 billion* people and it is still increasing. We all know about the recession and it is hitting everyone very hard. Many people living in poverty, starvation, homelessness, bankruptcy etc. The odds of getting cancer are 1 in 3 which means that a large amount of the population have a high chance of dying. Notice that even with these odds, the population is still increasing. Anywho, overpopulation is what is causing the recession. Countries are trying to spread the same amount of money over a constantly growing amount of people. It is not possible to do this and keep everyone happy. Imagine dipping a brush in paint once. Now try imagining painting a giant wall with this amount of paint. It simply cannot be done. Either a small part of the wall will get a LOT OF PAINT while the rest gets none, or a large amount will get a very thin amount, while the rest gets none. Now imagine the wall getting bigger. This is because the population is growing. Now if cancer is cured, the wall will grow 33.3% faster.
          Some people think that money is pointless and that it just causes greed. For some people, yes, it does. Everybody knows this. The fact that money is a big part of our lives and also survival, we need it. If cancer is cured, more families will live in poverty. More people will live on the street. More people will die. Don't forget that more people will be out of work. If this happens, countries will need to get more loans, putting them more in debt, loving the residents over even more.
          Another reason that cancer should not be cured, is that nature will create another disease; another virus. This virus can be even more deadly or just as deadly as cancer. This means that finding cures for diseases will never end. Cancer is nature's way of trying to stop overpopulation and humans need to stop fighting nature. Tons of money is poured into cancer research. This money could be used to help people in other countries who are starving, or solving the energy crCIA. This money could go to better use.
          Basically, curing cancer will increase overpopulation, putting more countries and people in poverty, which can result in death and higher debts. Humans need to stop fighting nature as it will just create another disease that will be just as deadly.

So, are you still for curing cancer?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 06:09:07 PM by Muzzles56 »

heartless bastard

dumb, heartless bastard


I don't really agree with a lot of the OP, especially with the disease part.


there is no one cure for cancer

because no doctor will ever diagnose you with "cancer"

there's breast cancer, testicular cancer, ass cancer, cancer cancer, etc

even if we were to uncover a definite 100% chance at curing cancer, we would probably be flooded by those junkies that exploit that cure; earlier peer pressure increase, more often found in a single person, ect, it would be really silly

I dont think they will ever really make a cure.
Even if they find one, doctors will prolly just cover it up so they can make more money

even if we were to uncover a definite 100% chance at curing cancer, we would probably be flooded by those junkies that exploit that cure; earlier peer pressure increase, more often found in a single person, ect, it would be really silly
..what the forget lol

The world's population is constantly growing. A few years ago we passed 7 trillion (i think) people

this is 7 trillion

7 000 000 000 000

this is 7 billion (roughly how many we have)

7 000 000 000

huge difference. if we had 7 trillion people the earth would be forgeted, we'd have 0 resources left in the blink of an eye.

OP is handicapped.
All his reasons are handicapped.

this is 7 trillion

7 000 000 000 000

this is 7 billion (roughly how many we have)

7 000 000 000

huge difference. if we had 7 trillion people the earth would be forgeted, we'd have 0 resources left in the blink of an eye.
wasnt sure if it was trillion or billion
OP is handicapped.
All his reasons are handicapped.

The world's population is constantly growing. A few years ago we passed 7 billion* people and it is still increasing. We all know about the recession and it is hitting everyone very hard. Many people living in poverty, starvation, homelessness, bankruptcy etc. The odds of getting cancer are 1 in 3 which means that a large amount of the population have a high chance of dying. Notice that even with these odds, the population is still increasing. Anywho, overpopulation is what is causing the recession.

1. implies that Cancer is the only thing that kills anyone

2. implies that for some weird reason, there was some weird ass population spike like 5 years ago that suddenly caused a recession

Why making this topic is a bad idea