Author Topic: Rescued Dachshunds  (Read 551 times)

So today was our school's homecoming day and since I didn't want to go see our crappy school in a football game, I got out of school early at 2:00 and on our way home, we saw a couple of dachshunds wandering down the busy road. We pulled over and called them over right before a car came by, which was lucky because one was just about to get hit. We took them in and one has a collar without a tag. They're both full-breed and look just alike. It seems to be a mother and a daughter who haven't been well fed (Feel real bony on the underside).
We went and checked on all the people who lived on the road we found them on and nobody recognized them, a couple houses nobody was there. We're going to put up signs around the neighborhood to see if any of them are looking for these dogs.

The problem is that I have a stepfather who hates pets and says we should've just let them get run over. If we don't find a home for them I have no idea what we're gonna do

No I'm not going to mail them to you

aww, poor doges
i'm not really sure how to help, sorry :c

Okay my mom is saying she wants to keep them
But it's going to be a mess because that would make 3 pets in the house
We really screwed ourselves up by saving these (No regrets)

The problem is that I have a stepfather who hates pets and says we should've just let them get run over.
literally kill him