Author Topic: What will you be for Halloween?  (Read 2225 times)

I didn't have any plans so I picked up a coworkers shift so he can do stuff with his daughter
i was about to question why you wouldnt want to do stuff on halloween but thats sooo sweet aaaaaaa

Everyone I know who hosts halloween parties does them a few days before or after
(None of them work out with my schedule though aaaaaahhh)

i was about to question why you wouldnt want to do stuff on halloween but thats sooo sweet aaaaaaa
it's also possible he wanted to make money and had nothing better to do

Saying he wanted to do something for his daughter definitely made me feel different than if he would have said "yeah I want to forget around at a party"
But it's also not having anything better to do and not wanting to be 'that guy that doesn't help others out'

Even if I was doing anything I have no idea what I'd be

im gonna be a headcrab zombie

im gonna be a headcrab zombie
i thought about doing that once but never did

Beep boop, son.

Beep boop.

im gonna be a headcrab zombie
That'd be interesting to see.

If anyone takes my idea and goes as a mobster lobster I will love them forever

My friends and I are wanting to be Abbey Road for Halloween.

are you just gonna
wear glasses and a shirt