Author Topic: Attmept at Terrain - More greyscale  (Read 2691 times)

Basically I'm trying to get to grips with building using blocks. so yeah

I might use it for a TDM, the plan was to have an Island vs Island, but i literally have no idea on how to host a server.

Old pictures are starting to take up space in OP, if you want to view them again just click the links above.

Complete with water:

Comparison to a Blockhead:

This isn't actually complete, I'm gonna add x4 cubes as well, but as you may of noticed
some places are missing x8 cubes so its not gonna happen soon.

Screw x4 cubes, too lazy

new update:

another angle:

And i finished cubescaping the middle

I guess this could be where you could have helicopter spawns if this were to be a dogfight TDM

You may rate x/x

« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 09:12:50 AM by D3ATH LORD »

not bad.
smooth it out a little.
will improve with build.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 08:07:36 AM by GEN.Fire Bird »

I'm thinking the same as above.

A good attempt, shows effort. Looks like its one phase away from being right.

Pretty neat terrain. Depending on what you're aiming for, smoothing it out isn't necessary.

Was completely unaware of the scale of the build until you showed it with the player.

7/10 for being big :D

Check out Conan's terraining guide.


"finally" your ass

that scale is godholy huge. its nice but since it lacks color it doesn't have any defining features that make it look like terrain.
you certainly have good control over steep landscaping but I'm not sure about finalizing the design. Try coloring it up like a craggy island and add appropriate props and it will be even better.

what i really like is that this is really good craggy stuff, better than anything i've seen before. Sure, its not very sloped or realistic (it is to a point), but making things complex and craggy is more difficult.

33/50 because it lacks so much, but i'm sure you can improve it a lot. if it was properly completed it probably will get a 43-47/50. keep practicing!

i'm sorry but people seem extremely lax with their ratings these days

tbh it's bland, doesn't flow well, and doesn't even look like terrain (maybe it would if it wasn't all white, lol). i honestly don't understand what it's supposed to be. doesn't look like any island i've ever seen.

try adding some variety. it just looks like a big steep.. mass of blocks. maybe have some less steep areas, color it to look like an actual island, add some grass/trees/bushes, something like that. maybe add some structures, a dock would be cool. maybe a radio tower on top. who knows, use your imagination.

honestly 3/10 right now. BUT, fix it up a bit (you don't have to do any of the things i suggested, those are just ideas), and it could easily become an amazing build. it's a good start, but it's just that.

"finally" your ass

that scale is godholy huge. its nice but since it lacks color it doesn't have any defining features that make it look like terrain.
you certainly have good control over steep landscaping but I'm not sure about finalizing the design. Try coloring it up like a craggy island and add appropriate props and it will be even better.

what i really like is that this is really good craggy stuff, better than anything i've seen before. Sure, its not very sloped or realistic (it is to a point), but making things complex and craggy is more difficult.

33/50 because it lacks so much, but i'm sure you can improve it a lot. if it was properly completed it probably will get a 43-47/50. keep practicing!

I think he said x/10....

I think it looks nice, better than what i could do :P
For now 6/10, when finished it will hopefully be 9/10, just cause of blandness and lack of color.

I think he said x/10....
33/50 = 66/100 = 6.6/10

Makes no difference what the scores out of if you can tell what it is in a percentage.

I think you've done a reasonable job in brickscaping, but it does need more colour and definition.

It's not really island.v.island, since it seems to all be one large landmass.
If you're trying for a place to battle on I'd suggest maybe having some slightly flatter areas (not purely flat, but parts slightly smoother) so that you can put bases on it that are easy to navigate in/out of, if you do a TDM, or to just provide more than one sort of environment for building.

But I think it's well put together, could use some more colour, and you could probably build some very cool structures into the side of it.

Happy birthday!

OT: Looks good.

It's a bit too bumpy for any minigames I think, there would be way to much jumping.
You should flatten some areas, like one area on either side and in the middle, while having paths leading to strategic higher ground or something.