Author Topic: Badspot hate thread  (Read 13730 times)

Fracture, if you hate Badspot, you hate the game, because you hate the person who put his work into it.

Therefore just leave and hate Baspot somewhere else.

Not necessarily. I strongly dislike some add-on makers, but love the things they made.

Not necessarily. I strongly dislike some add-on makers, but love the things they made.
Still, throw his hate somewhere else.

This is a forum were everyone is nice!

Still, throw his hate somewhere else.

This is a forum were everyone is nice!
You do realize the topic author is actually joking?
Wait, Is he?

Badspot touched me in a bad spot one time


  • Administrator
Im FrozenEye

Interesting.   Well let's check your previous ban messages:

Quote from: Ban message for FrozenEye, GyroGliphix, Glyph_, Wavelength, Golden, Murkling, Murkling.
You are not welcome here.   If you make a new account you will lose your Blockland keys.

Well, I guess I better make good on my word.  Wouldn't want people thinking I'm a liar.  You were warned. 
The funny thing is, if you hadn't made this thread I never would have noticed you.  Good job.  Thanks for playing.

I had the funniest feeling the topic would wind up like this.

Interesting.   Well let's check your previous ban messages:

Well, I guess I better make good on my word.  Wouldn't want people thinking I'm a liar.  You were warned. 
The funny thing is, if you hadn't made this thread I never would have noticed you.  Good job.  Thanks for playing.

Holy Fack, my day is made...

Wait, what exactly did they do so bad to get not only banned, but their keys deactivated upon return?

Well that escalated quickly

I forgot, what exactly did FrozenEye do to get globally boycotted from the forums?

ITT: Hate on badspot for being a demon.

User was banned for this post
We all seen that coming.