Author Topic: Avoid "modern RPG" server  (Read 1854 times)

Avoid the "Modern RPG" server.

Not only does it not allow the use of wands when building, the admin is frequently absent or unresponsive.

Server also suffers from severe lag.

Most builds are spamy as well.

Meh. Nothing really malicious or rude is going on over there so I don't see much of a problem.

Yer avoid that and don't avoid mine, lol.

Meh. Nothing really malicious or rude is going on over there so I don't see much of a problem.

True, just saying that if your like me and only 'try' a couple of servers a day then it may be better to save your time and avoid the aforementioned server.

Pointless post. If you said avoid this server because it makes you crash, then it would be ok
but obviously you didn't.

Well, I did crash on that server, but I thought that was beside the point.

Anyway, the OP post atleast has some helpful parts to it and was written in a calm, objective manner; a first for this section.

Just say the OP not the OP post. "The original post post" sounds weird.

I think he ment OP as Opening.

Erm...actually I left the word "Post" there by accident. Originally I was gonna say...

Anyway, the post atleast has some helpful parts to it and was written in a calm, objective manner; a first for this section.

But then I realised that some might not know which post I was talking about however, when I changed it I forgot to remove the word "post" after OP. A simple mistake.