Author Topic: What is a way to remember the \c colors in BL?  (Read 718 times)

I have a hard-time remembering, I don't even know which holds each color, though I do know \c2 holds green. But still is there a trick to remembering?

Probably, but I just put in random values to get an intriguing result each time; makes for interesting color variety.

Not that i'm aware, normally i enter random things then change it a bit to get too a colour i like.

Try using one color for a long time until you've memorized it, than move on.
Or find colors that resemble things, like \c3 could be red and red has three letters hence the 3.
or use a chart and study that thing.

If you're an admin type /colortest in a server and it'll show everyone what color each number represents.

Try using one color for a long time until you've memorized it, than move on.
Or find colors that resemble things, like \c3 could be red and red has three letters hence the 3.
or use a chart and study that thing.
Red is \c0

\c3 is Yellow :0